This is What Your Period is Saying About Your Health
Women have to struggle with this every month. The period make them feeling sick, bloated and sometimes the pain that this cause is real nightmare. But we can’t do anything about this because this is a natural and normal body function. All women shall know this fact, because it may discover serious health issue. But women aren’t so exited to talk about their period and usually those problems can be unnoticed. If you know this facts, you will be able to identify the signs, to be more informed to help yourself in time if there is a health issue. Color and flow, the period can be categorized in three type of colors: Mashed frozen blueberries Strawberry jam Cranberry juice According to Dr. Alisa Vitti, a holistic health counselor and functional nutritionist. The texture which seems to frozen blueberries shows high estrogen levels, making the cycle heavier than it should be, because the uterus is thicker than it shall be. The color like strawberry jam is showing low l...